Field Trips: Several field trips are planned throughout the year to enhance the children's educational experience and social interaction.
Parent's/Mom's Nights Out: A variety of fellowship, fun and learning activities are planned throughout the year. Parent Education Training and Prayer: We offer a support group on Academy Days including training in teaching and parenting. We also have a prayer team. Youth Events: A variety of social events are planned throughout the year for our youth (ie. movie nights, holiday parties, bowling activity, Spring Prom etc.) Special Events: Park days, The Coastal Showcase (art fair, science fair, talent show and cake decorating contest), Used Curriculum Sale, formal graduation for Kindergarten, 5th grade, 8th grade, and High School students, and High School formal and semi-formal events. Monthly Newsletter, Email Chain, Group Texting, Instagram, and Facebook Group: Enables our Coastal community to stay in touch. Yearbook: Hard back book featuring activities of both our Academy Day and Record Keeping families. Formal photos can also be used for School ID cards. Mentor Parents: New families are assigned to a Mentor Parent to provide counsel and support. |