As I sit down to write this column looking for inspiration, my eyes keep going to the cast on my right arm that I got when I broke my arm on vacation last month and my mind wanders again to the question, “Why Lord? What lesson are you trying to teach me with this new challenge?” Since returning home from our trip, my energies have been consumed with trying to get my daughter caught up in all the schoolwork she missed while we were gone. Now, I guess it’s time for me to sit down and think and reflect a bit. Maybe it’s as simple as that-maybe God is just reminding me that I need to constantly be sitting as His feet as a student, seeking the lessons He wants to teach me.
As a homeschool parent, our thoughts are so consumed with what lessons we want to be teaching our children and whether they are learning them properly or not that it is easy to forget that we are students too. If you’ve been homeschooling very long at all, inevitably you’ve found that you learn all sorts of academic facts as you prepare to teach them to your children. But don’t forget about all the other lessons too-ethical, moral, spiritual… We want our children to develop a life-long love of learning; let’s remember to model that for them as we keep on in the role of student too. Don’t be too proud as to miss the opportunities to share what you’re learning in life with your children. Let them know that you’re learning too. Let’s all try to have a teachable spirit. Being teachable means that we say things like, "Tell me more. I want to understand your perspective,” "How do you see it?", "What could we do differently? What do you suggest?" "I might be wrong in my opinion. What do you think about it?" In other words, we are fellow explorers of truth & life, and not just debaters of positions. Being teachable also means that we ask ourselves “What can each person I come into contact with teach me? What can I learn from this person?” The bottom line is that being teachable means that I truly believe that God isn’t finished with me yet. Therefore I should offer myself to God in each and every circumstance and ask to be taught and shaped more into the image of Christ. My prayer for you- “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17) So maybe that’s what this broken arm is all about… In His service, Susan Comments are closed.
AuthorThis is a collection of the reflections our principal, Susan Truman submits to our monthly newsletters. She is married to her college sweetheart and is a mother of three. She graduated two of her children from Coastal with her third child attending a special needs school. Archives
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